Rolling Good Time Falls Technique

Disclaimer: This programme has been carefully designed by specialists from the Health Promotion Board. These videos serve as a resource and guide for participants who have completed the Rolling Good Times Falls Programme. Please do not attempt to practice the falls on your own. You should only practice this under the care and guidance of trained trainers from the programme.

Safety is paramount and you should consult a doctor before participating in any exercise programme

Stage 1 

Long-Sit Weight Shifting

1. Sit with both legs straightened and arms extended in front
2. Engage the core muscles and keep upper body upright throughout the movement
3. Without swaying the torso to the side, slowly lift up one side of the butt off the mat
4. Slowly return to start position and repeat on the other side

Stage 2 

Long-Sit Weight Shifting with Trunk Rotation

1. Sit with both legs straightened and arms extended in front
2. Engage the core muscles and keep upper body upright throughout the movement.
3. Slowly lift up one side of the butt off the mat
4. At the same time, rotate trunk towards the same side (e.g. lift up right butt → rotate trunk to the right, “look under your right bottom!”)
5. Slowly return to start position and repeat on the other side.
6. While rotating the trunk, swing both arms in the same direction to counterbalance the weight shift
7. Use the oblique to pull the butt off the mat

Stage 3

Long-Sit “Bottom Walk”

1. Sit with both legs straightened in front.
2. Engage the core muscles and keep upper body upright throughout the movement
3. Lift up the butt and bring it backward.
4. Repeat this movement along the length of the mat.
5. Do the same movement to move forward.(e.g. left side butt lifted while moving forward left side touches the mat lift right side butt while moving forward right side butt touches the mat)

Stage 4

Backward rocking  

1. Sit with knees bent
2. Both hands to hold onto the knees or under thigh
3. Tuck in the chin, keep eyes gaze down at thighs and curl up the body throughout the movement. “Flat tyre does not roll well!”
4. Slowly shift the weight backwards and roll back in controlled manner.
5. Roll back forward to start position and repeat

Stage 5

Sideway rocking 

1. Sit with one knee bent and weight shift on the side.
2. Round your back with both arms extend towards the front or holding on the knee.
3. Draw in your abdominal to maintain the curl of your body, chin tuck in and look at your knee all the time
4. Slowly shift the weight backwards.
5. The movement begins from the fleshy part of the left buttock and along the left side of the back and ends at the left scapular.
6. Return to start position and repeat on the other side.

Stage 6

Half-kneeling Backward shifting

1. Begin in half-kneeling position and keep the body upright.
2. Arms extend to the front
3. Move your left shin inwards to prepare for backward weight shifting
4. Engage abdominal muscles and slowly shift hips back towards the mat. 5. At the same time, tuck in the chin and curl up the body.
6. Return hips to the starting position. 

Stage 7

Half-kneeling Backward Rolling 

1. Begin in half-kneeling position and keep the body upright.
2. Arms extend to the front for balance.
3. Move your left shin inwards to prepare for backward weight shifting
4. Engage abdominal muscles and shift your hips towards the back. Continue to shift your weight towards the back in a slow and control manner.
5. Land on the fleshy part of the left buttock and do a sideway rocking on your left side. (e.g. lower left butt → left butt lands on mat → roll and land on the left side → left shoulder scapula)
6. Return to start position and repeat on the other side.

Stage 8

Standing to Half Kneeling

1. Stand on the end of mat.
2. Take one leg back into “bowling stance”
3. “Controlled descent” slowly bend the back knee to half kneeling position with hip in external rotation.
4. Tuck in the chin and curl the body.
5. Then slowly return to the start position. 

Stage 9

Standing to Backward Rolling

1. Stand on the end of the mat, be aware of the direction where you are rolling towards.
2. Combine all the rolling techniques together
3. Take one leg back into “bowling stance”
4. “Controlled descent” and roll backward.
5. Repeat on the other leg